Fertile Ground for Thoughts and Dreams: NMC Then and Now

Now in its 49th season,Toronto’s New Music Concerts (NMC) remains one of the main presenters of contemporary concert music in Toronto, with a long and diverse legacy of bringing first performances of significant new works to Toronto audiences, covering compositions from a wide range of styles, written by living composers from around the world, including Canada.

Claude Vivier: A cosmic seeker’s star ascends

"1801, Goethe wrote to Felix Mendelssohn that “where nothing new is actually produced, an art cannot make itself vividly felt.” Innovation and impact are ideas Canadian composer Claude Vivier took to heart. Born in 1948 to unknown parents,Vivier studied at the Conservatoire de musique de Montréal before departing for Europe in 1971, where, for three [...]

By |2019-05-13T12:43:34-04:0013 May 2019|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

Against the Grain Theatre’s production of Kopernikus is a true operatic ritual

"It’s hard to describe an opera without any hard answers to the most basic of questions: Where are we? When are we? Who are these people onstage? And what on earth are they doing? Claude Vivier, the Canadian composer who is as imaginative as he is exasperating, named his opera Kopernikus, after the famed astronomer; [...]

By |2019-04-10T12:19:00-04:008 April 2019|Categories: News, Ontario|Tags: , |
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