On Yablunska Street
for brass quintet
for orchestra
for 3 Electric Guitars
Dark Nights, Bright Stars, Vast Universe
for Orchestra
Waking The Lion
concerto for percussion and string orchestra
Chants de l’Autre isthme – Cinq chansons sur des poèmes de Coralie Adato, opus 54
pour voix de femme (mezzo-soprano) et piano
Lock the Door, Swallow the Key
for brass quintet, electric guitar, drum set and track
White Label Experiment
for percussion quartet and live electronics
for flute and 2 percussion
Byron, the wonderful bandit
musical for young people
Naacnaaca (trance)
ballade for orchestra
Symphony in one movement
gift from the sea
Matins for the vigil of Assumption
a requiem for orchestra
Four songs for tenor and orchestra
to poems by Kenneth Patchen
As We Stood Then
for mezzo-soprano or baritone and orchestra