Serpentine Paths, for violin and violoncello
Serpentine paths is dedicated to Rachel Mercer and Akemi Mercer-
Niewoehner, with gratitude and enthusiasm.
Short program note
In a broad sense, Serpentine paths is about an almost irresolvable conflict,
and a struggle to find a way through it to harmony.
Unexpected and undulating trajectories are eventually followed to
resolution, but rather than being built on the conflict itself, the piece focuses
on the journey, and the great energy required to undertake such a journey.
Longer program note
Like all western art music, perhaps, Serpentine paths concerns itself with
conflict and resolution. Rather than being goal-oriented, however, the piece
focuses on the journey itself, the great energy required to undertake such a
journey, and some of the surprises one might encounter while travelling.
Serpentine paths begins with brittle, prickly music, the pointy sounds of two
musical personae at odds with one another and the world. They converse,
argue, battle, snark, and even joke occasionally, following undulating and
sometimes unexpected trajectories and struggling to find common ground.
The pair slip into brief moments of harmony and relaxed comfort, but can’t
stay there too long before chasing off on their journey yet again.