Hugh Fraser & Vancouver Ensemble of Jazz ImprovisationPiece of the Action is Mike Herriott’s most mature and evolved project to date.This is the debut recording of jazz pianist/composer Michelle Grégoire featuring eight of her original compositions.Miranda Sage's voice has a thrilling flexibility and range, making jazz singing sound like it's the easiest thing in the world.Mighty Fingers is a collection of ten carefully crafted original compositions and the size of the group allows for some exciting, rather dense harmonies with plenty of openings for the improvisational expertise of these remarkable musicians.Victoria based, Miranda Sage offers a thrilling song cycle of reshaped jazz standards and playful originals describing love in all its many forms.Boathouse Records is pleased to announce the release of Vancouver Ensemble of Jazz Improvisation's 5th album, Big Works featuring the large 22 piece version of VEJI with full strings, harp and choir.Marta Hidy
20th Century Violin Classics
Jack and Mike
Hot Real-Time Electro-Acoustic Collective Composition
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