News + Events2023-02-08T23:05:34-05:00

CMC National News

403 2024

Successful Grants Database

By |4 March 2024|News|

Grant applications are a critical part of building a sustainable career as a composer in Canada. They can also be intimidating, especially for first-time applicants, and while granting agencies may provide some guidance as to how best to approach the specific requirements of their individual granting programs, sometimes there’s nothing quite as helpful as seeing the real thing

103 2024

CMC Prairie Region announces 2025 Emerging Composer Competition

By |1 March 2024|News, Prairie|

Emerging Composers with a connection to Canada’s Prairie Region are invited to submit their orchestral works to the 22nd edition of the CMC Prairie Region Emerging Composer Competition for Orchestra with a cash prize of $1,000 and performance by the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra (WSO) during the 2025 edition of the Winnipeg New Music Festival (WNMF).

CMC National Events


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