Staged Vocal Works, Operas, Complete Vocal ScoreStaged Vocal Works, Misc. Staged Musical WorksStaged Vocal Works, Operas, Complete Vocal Score
Like gods, like gods among them
two act dance drama
Five to Eight Voices, with Full Orchestra/ChorusThe Garden of Alice
an opera in two acts
Staged Vocal Works, Operas, Complete Vocal ScoreWhen the sun comes out
a chamber opera in one act
The Monkiest King
Chamber Opera in One Act
Staged Vocal Works, Operas, Complete Vocal ScoreThe garden of Alice
an opera in two acts
Staged Vocal Works, Operas, Complete Vocal ScoreStaged Vocal Works, Operas, Complete Vocal ScoreIn Kharms Way, Theater of the Absurd in 5 acts (String Quartet No. 3)
for string quartet and 2 actors
Staged Vocal Works, Misc. Staged Musical WorksGo to Top