pour violon solo et orchestre à cordes
For flute, oboe and string ensemble
Jazz Lead Sheet
Solo Voice with Large Ensemble (10-20 Performers), Woodwind(s) / Brass / Percussion / Keyboard / Plectral StringMirror-Stage
for string ensemble
A Curious Passerby At Fu’s Funeral
for large chamber ensemble
Strings, Bowed, with Keyboard, ViolinFlute Concerto
for solo flute, harp and strings
In the Bleak Midwinter
for choir, oboe, and string orchestra
Symphony no. 1
Op. 18
cello concertoIntending Comfort
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra
cello concertoWhere the Gander Goes Barefoot
for Chamber Orchestra
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsPater Noster
for SSAATTBB choir, strings, solo viola, solo French Horn, piano
This Joyful Eastertide
for String Orchestra
Getting With Five fantasia for small orchestra
fantasia for small orchestra
That Tingling Sensation for orchestra
for orchestra
Hullabaloo – Sesquie for Canada’s 150th for orchestra
for orchestra
Wind on the Downs for chamber orchestra and female narrator
for chamber orchestra and female narrator
Histoire d’une petite pionnière du nord for orchestra
for orchestra
for orchestraConcertino for cello and orchestra
for cello and orchestra
for cello and orchestraSuite for clarinet and string orchestra
for clarinet and string orchestra
for clarinet and string orchestraEarth Sounds Symphony
for orchestra
for orchestraGo to Top