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Momento Presente music video
Mas Aya / Gustavo Cerquera Benjumea

The Momento Presente music video is a collaboration between Mas Aya (Brandon Valdivia) and digital media artist and animator Gustavo Cerquera Benjumea. Gustavo creates a texturally vibrant and meditative world that combines digital sculptures and masks that are in a constant state of transformation with imagery inspired by the movements and rhythms of Nature – the rippling of water, the subtle shifting of cloud formations, and the landscapes of Nicaragua. The voice heard is a Nicaraguan Guerillero soldier from the 1970’s participating in “la Misa Campesina” or “The Peasant’s Mass” led by Liberation Theologist Ernesto Cardenal who discusses how the moment to act and the moment to rebel against tyranny and injustice is an urgent and continuous struggle.

The video premiere is presented in partnership with record label Telephone Explosion, who will be releasing Mas Aya’s vinyl debut Máscaras on September 24—you can pre-order the album on Bandcamp.

CMC Presents Multilocation is generously supported by The Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, The SOCAN Foundation, FACTOR, The Ontario Arts Council, The Toronto Arts Council, and the Ontario Arts Foundation. This presentation is also supported by The McLean Foundation and the Canada Arts Presentation Fund.


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