Three Pieces
for Accordion and Percussion
for string quartet
Forge for brass quintet
for brass quintet
for brass quintetFanfare for Three for alto saxophone, trombone, and piano
for alto saxophone, trombone, and piano
for alto saxophone, trombone, and pianoSlow Bells
A canon for saxophone quartet
Idée Fixe
for string quartet
Against the Dying of the Light
for violin, cello and piano
A Melange of Savage Flowers
for clarinet, classical guitar, persian santur, and violin
Mixed Quartets, Woodwind(s) / Plectral String(s) / Bowed String(s)Trio
for Flute, Clarinet and Marimba
Mixed Trios, Woodwind(s) / PercussionFor a Hedgehog
for Horn, Violin and Piano
Mixed Trios, Brass / Keyboard / Bowed StringFive Homages
for Clarinet, Saxophone and Piano
Mixed Woodwind Duos with Keyboard(spooky actions) at a distance
for tenor saxophone, cello, piano and fixed-media surround sound file
Chamber Ensemble (2-9 Performers) with Electronics / Multi-Media, Woodwind(s) / Keyboard(s) / Bowed String(s)Jimi
for Percussion Quartet
Percussion Solo / Small EnsembleSonatina Interrotta (a fish out of water)
for Baroque Quartet
Mixed Quartets, Woodwind(s) / Keyboard(s) / Bowed String(s)Three Inventions
for Piano
Solo Piano