Vertical Landscapes
Zuzana Šimurdová plays Canadian women composers
Dreamer Murmuring
for piano trio
Piano Trio (Violin / Cello / Keyboard)The Salzinnes Manuscript
for six female voices and string trio
Grey Broken
for baroque flute, soprano and harpsichord
La Celine
for solo baroque flute
Solo Flute / PiccoloFolio
for chamber choir (SATB 16 voices)
A Cappella Choir (9 + Voices)Les formes mystérieuses
for solo harpsichord
Keyboard, Harpsichord, One Keyboard, Two HandsTide Pool
piano solo
Solo PianoSea Rose
for soprano and piano
Solo Voice with KeyboardMagnolia
for Baroque flute
Solo Flute / PiccoloDandelion
for solo violin
Solo ViolinMeadow
for string trio
String Trio (Violin / Viola / Cello)Dark Flower
for piano quartet
Strings (bowed), + Keyboard, Quartet (Violin / Viola / Cello / Keyboard)Cut Flowers
for soprano and chamber orchestra
Solo Voice, With Large Ensemble (10-20 Performers), Woodwind(s) / Brass / Percussion, Keyboard / Plectral String / String BowedCamellia
for organ
Solo Organ (Pipe or Electric)Aria
for solo violin
Solo ViolinDas Rosen-Innere
for cello and piano
Cello and Keyboardwe have gone forth for dancing
for two French horns and trumpet
Brass, Solo / Ensemble, Mixed TriosGo to Top