English Horn Concerto
for solo English horn and orchestra
Orchestra with Oboe / Eng. Horn SoloistCrazing
for Five Violoncelli
Mama’s Painting: Louis Riel’s Dream
for two violins, viola, cello and piano
Piano Quintet (2 Violin / Viola / Cello / Keyboard)Across the Grasslands
for orchestra
Full Orchestra (20 or more)And There Was a Great Calm
for orchestra
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Full Orchestra (20 or more)And there was great calm
(Version 2) (Revised)
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Full Orchestra (20 or more)The Prairies
for orchestra
Born by the River
for String Orchestra
For violin, Bb clarinet/bass clarinet, percussion and piano
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Quartets, Woodwinds/Percussion, Keyboard/Bowed StringsFamily Sons and Dotters
for clarinet in Bb, violoncello and piano
Mixed Trios, Woodwind / Keyboard / Bowed StringRipples
A duet for Viola and Cello
Misc. String DuosNever to Return
for string orchestra
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, String OrchestraVie & Quell
For String Quartet
String Quartet (2 Violin / Viola / Cello)Falling in the Water
for Piano and Electronics
Spider Solitaire
for solo piano
Solo ViolinFalling Water
for Solo Piano
For Solo PianoCurlicue
for solo piano
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two Hands