Pastorale on the 23rd Psalm for organ solo
for organ solo
for organ soloProcessional Fanfare for organ solo
for organ solo
for organ soloJoy to the World for organ
for organ
for organHark the Herald Angels Sing
for organ
for organSilent Night siciliano for organ solo
siciliano for organ solo
siciliano for organ soloThe Lord’s Prayer for SATB, flute and organ
for SATB, flute and organ
for SATB, flute and organKoraalvoorspel op Lied 219,220
vir Klavier en Orrel (Piano and Organ)
vir Klavier en Orrel (Piano and Organ)Motet Evening/Morning Prayer
Our Father and Our Faitful God
Soprano and Piano Text by Lorna CrozierAand-/Oggendgebed
"Ons Vader en ons Troue God": Motet vir Gemengde Koor a' capella
Evening/Morning Prayer
"Our Father and our Faithful God". Motet for SATB a' capella
Concerto for Alto Saxophone no. 2
"Passage of Time"
Celebration of Faith
A Hymn-based Song Cycle for Tenor and Organ
Piece Concertante
for Organ, Piano and Timpani
Instrumentale Feesmotet, ‘n Vaste Burg Is Onse God
Vir Strykers, Trompet en Orrel
Autumn Reminiscence
on Two Celtic Songs for Piano, Woodwinds and Strings
Chamber Orchestra (10 to 20)Fairy Tale “Jack and The Bean Stalk”
for Narrator, Organ and Orchestra
Suite Noel
for organ and orchestra
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