op. 58 [for clarinet quartet]
String quartet
op. 9
Sonata: il dottore di Bologna
for bassoon and piano
Voluntary no. 1
introduction and allegro
Voluntary no. 2
opus 1b
The raven
op. 37
op. 36
Homage: F.D.
a rhapsody for piano and organ
Before the world is old
seven songs from Housman's The Shropshire lad set for choir with piano ad lib
Sonata no. 3
Op. 80
One Mid-Summer Morning
An English folk-set : op. 82
Alert bay
( idyll nr. 2), op. 90
From the west
op. 72b
Solemn Music
for wind band with percussion
Ocho Alabanzas
eight preludes on Latino religious songs [for flute, violin, viola and piano]
Latino preludes
for wind band and percussion
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