Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, Keyboards
Lo yareyu
they shall not hurt or destroy
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsHiney Yamim ba-im
Behold, the days come...
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsMa tovu
How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsVoyomer David L’Avigayil
And David said to Abigail
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsThree songs for flute and string trio
based on Israeli tunes (for flute, violin, viola and cello)
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Quartets, Woodwinds, Bowed StringsOrchestra/Large Ensemble, String OrchestraAdon olam
Lord of the world
Two Voices, with Chamber Ensemble, Woodwinds, KeyboardsSuite Sephardi
for saxophone, violin, viola and cello
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Quartets, Woodwinds, Bowed StringsGo to Top