half-light, somnolent rains
for piano duo
Keyboard, Piano, Two Keyboards, Four or More HandsVertigo Beach
(À Tom Verlaine) Études pour piano
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsScales of joy and sorrow
for violin, cello and piano
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Trios, Keyboard/Bowed StringsAmore
for solo voice and piano
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsBloom
for solo violoncello
Strings, Bowed, Solo/Ensemble, CelloStrings, Bowed, with Keyboard, ViolinThe connection
for solo marimba
Percussion, Solo/Ensemble, No KeyboardStrings, Bowed, with Keyboard, CelloOrchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Soloist, AccordionSolace
for chamber strings
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, String OrchestraGo to Top