Par un soir d’Halloween (On Halloween Night)
Suite orchestrale en 5 mouvements – Version pour orchestre symphonique / Version for Symphonic orchestra
a cantata
Solo Voice, With Chamber Ensemble, Percussion, String(s) BowedPersistance de la mémoire
for piano in sixteenth of tones and mechanical metronome
Quaternity I
for clarinet in A, violin, cello, gongs, and piano
for voice and string quartet
Le cirque court-circuité
pour choeur et piano, tiré de la suite "Visages"
for flute, clarinet, marimba, piano, violin and cello
Zeno’s Plaint
for violin and piano
Violin and KeyboardThree Pieces
for viola and piano
Viola and Keyboardwill I, night
for unaccompanied SSAATTBB
A Cappella Choir (9 + Voices)Go to Top