Forêt profonde
Call Number: CD 326
Format: Audio CD
Number of Discs: 1
Release Date: January 1, 1996
Duration: 00:58:32
Label: empreintes DIGITALes
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Forêt profonde (Deep Forest) is an acousmatic melodrama, based on Bruno Bettelheim’s essay “The Uses of Enchantment”. Forêt profonde also derives its inspiration from a psychoanalytic reflection. An adult reading of children tales that moves between the memory of my naïve wonder and the discovery of its secret mechanisms.
It is a listening on three levels – novelistic, symbolic, musical – more disconcerting no doubt, but more active than an unidimensional listening.
Most of the materials and the treatments were obtained through SYTER (real-time sound synthesis system) at the INA-GRM, and the piece was produced at the composer’s private studio in Montreal.
Foret Profonde
1. Chambre d’enfants
2. A lorée du conte
3. Chambre interdite
4. Il cammin di nostra vita
5. Les enchantements de l’imagination
6. Antichambre
7. La muraille d’épines
8. Chambre de ténèbres
9. Foret furieuse
10. Musique de chambre
11. Sortilèges
12. Chambre de lumière
13. Fantasme, mode d’emploi
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