Cycle de l’errance


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    Cycle de l’errance

    SKU: CD-IMED 9607
    Call Number: CD 93
    Format: Audio CD
    Number of Discs: 1
    Release Date: January 1, 1996
    Duration: 01:16:52
    Label: empreintes DIGITALes

    Cycle de l’errance

    Acousmate. n (from the Greek Akousma, what is heard). Imaginary sound, or of which the cause is not seen.

    acousmatic – “a sound that we can hear without knowing its cause”.
    Jérôme Peignot

    acousmatic music – music which is “shot and developed in the studio, projected in halls, like cinema.”

    François Bayle

    Music “to be heard without the use of visual intervention… It organizes morphologies and sonic spectra, ‘images of sound’, coming from a multiplicity of sources, but that the absence of visual identification makes anonymous, unifies and prompts a more attentive listening .. Acousmatic … is a new and autonomous art form which certainly finds in the compact disc – a genuine sound book – one of its most convincing vehicles.”

    Francis Dhomont

    1. Points de fuite

    2-10. …mourir un peu

    11. Espace / Escape

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