L’adieu au s.o.s.


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    L’adieu au s.o.s.

    SKU: CD-IMED 0366
    Call Number: CD 772
    Format: Audio CD
    Number of Discs: 1
    Release Date: January 1, 2003
    Duration: 00:57:43
    Label: empreintes DIGITALes

    L’adieu au s.o.s.

    The works included on this disc, L’adieu au s.o.s. (A Farewell to S.O.S.), were composed with eyes wide open, in the profound conviction that music is the expression of a sensibility anchored in the reality that makes us up, that determines who we are and that surrounds us.

    1. Pour voix défigurées

    2. Danse de l’enfant esseulée

    3-5. Figures du temps

    6. Low memory #2

    This recording is not yet available on Spotify.

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