Sing Your Song


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Sing Your Song

Call Number: CD 1737
Format: Audio CD
Number of Discs: 1
Release Date: March 3, 2017
Duration: 00:47:18
Label: Centrediscs / Centredisques

Sing Your Song

There’s music in my heart all day; I hear it late and early… is the opening line from the disc’s title piece, Sing Your Song, and exemplifies the mantra and collaborative relationship between the Amabile Choirs of London, Canada and renowned Canadian composer, Matthew Emery. Amabile’s performances and Emery’s writing question and challenge the human spirit and exemplify why Canadian choral music is renowned around the world. His use of musical phrase is exquisite and mature; his use of harmonies decidedly unconventional yet readily understood; his marriage of text and music a testament of his beliefs about how music can support the continued existence of a creative and inspiring world. His music definitively questions the world around us and requires the singer, conductor, and listener to respond to those questions spiritually, musically and aesthetically.

Amabile, a renowned choral education program in Canada for female and male choirs from early years to adult, provides an energized and enriching environment focussed on the rich traditions of Canadian choral excellence. Adding this music to your collection – either digital download or the physical disc – expands your choral horizons. Joe Lanza, Concertmaster for the #WePlayOn musicians of the former Orchestra London notes that Amabile is “…a group which, on the human level, brings about a lovely balance between the key values in ‘performance humanity’: the discipline, joy of effort, loving child centeredness where that fits, and humour.”

Sing Your Song reflects a composition portfolio that spans various choral genres, forms and idioms – commonly recognized as a strength among the Amabile choral ensembles, and a wonderful choral celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary. The music is evocative of experiences and influences from across Canada, delivered with Amabile’s typical superb artistry.

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