“新疆民謠狂想曲”(Xin Jiang Folk Song Rhapsody )is a musical journey through the diverse cultural heritage of Xinjiang, an autonomous region in northwest China. This work weaves together six folk melodies, each reflecting the region’s landscapes, traditions, and people.

The rhapsody opens with “达坂城的姑娘 (The Girl from Dabancheng)”, a lyrical theme that captures the rural beauty and youthful charm of the region. This is followed by “依拉拉 (Il La La)”, a lively and cheerful children’s folk song brimming with playful energy. “牧童之歌 (The Shepherd’s Song)” then evokes the vast grasslands with flowing, pastoral melodies.

Next, “青春舞曲 (Dance Music of Youth)” introduces a tender, playful song of love and connection. In contrast, “阿拉木汗 (Where is Allahmuhan)” conveys a deep sense of longing and introspection through its poignant ballad, highlighting the lower register of the instruments. The piece concludes with “送我一枝玫瑰花 (Give Me a Rose)”, a spirited and celebratory finale that captures the vibrant energy of Xinjiang’s musical traditions.

By intertwining these melodies with new harmonies and orchestral colors, Xin Jiang Folk Song Rhapsody pays tribute to the region’s rich folk heritage while offering a fresh perspective on its emotional depth and cultural vibrancy.