Anniversaries allow us to revel in past accomplishments and look forward to what is yet to come. After fifty years, many great moments have passed to be remembered and celebrated, with the hope of many more in the future.

At this junction in time, alumni have gathered with current students to combine their talents and create a juxtaposition of past and present in the celebration of an organization that has brought joy to so many musicians over its fifty years.

A truly Momentous occasion.

I am honoured to be able to contribute to the tradition that is the McMaster University Concert Band.

Momentous brings together the excitement of future expectations, while reflecting on the foundations and traditions of the concert band. The beginning of the celebration is announced with five triumphant chords that introduce the basic motif. This develops into rhythmically varied, overlapping harmonic motion, and ultimately to a calmer, more reflective section. The melodic fragments of this section give way to a return of the opening motif that builds to a variation of the opening call to celebrate. The piece closes with a Vivace statement of the celebratory motif and a final return to the opening five triumphant chords.