Greenslide is a large avalanche path south of my hometown. Its chute fans out at Mt. Cartier’s base amongst second growth forest regenerating from cut blocks logged many years ago. My mother and I spend much of our springs exploring in and around this wooded area (when avalanche risk is low, of course.) It is a refreshing and familiar place to spend time. Though not a place of tourists and picturesque photos, it is full of earthy awakenings like overgrown tote roads, spring freshet, baby green buds, native birdsong, and deer trails in the mud. When my mother asked that I write her a piece for flute and guitar, Greenslide in Spring seemed an appropriate muse. This piece explores a sequence of material generated from an additive process which circles back on its starting point. Perhaps it can be likened to two people exploring a finite wooded area who often circle back on familiar paths and entry points while gently probing further into new niches of the forest.