Baroque was composed in 1985 in Victoria and first performed by John Abram, Anne Moyles, Heather Carruthers and Ellen Hepso.
The initial performances were on reproduction Baroque period instruments at a=415Hz, but these are not mandated. Modern instruments and pitch are welcome.
Wind multiphonics are notated approximately—the parts contain fingerings used in the first performances, which may be of use to subsequent performers. Every instrument is different, of course, and these fingerings will hopefully result in similar sounds even on different instruments. Players are free to substitute their own fingerings as long as multiphonics with similar intervallic and timbral characteristics are produced. If modern instruments are used, the oboe and bassoon fingerings may be of little use, but the recorder ones should remain relevant. A 2 manual harpsichord is required, with 2 8’ stops, a 4’ stop and lute stop on the lower manual, and coupler.
Trills should not be performed in the Baroque style
At J wind players use an alternate fingering (preferably with a softer timbre) for every other note.