The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra (VSO) and VSO School of Music (VSO SoM) are deeply saddened by the passing of our beloved friend and Music Director Emeritus, Maestro Bramwell Tovey.
“A celebrated conductor, composer, humanitarian and arts leader, Tovey passed away peacefully surrounded by loved ones on July 12, 2022 in Barrington, Rhode Island, one day after his 69th birthday. Bramwell was incredibly proud of and devoted to his family, and is survived by his children Ben, Jessica and Emmeline, his partner Verena De Neovel, his sisters, grandchildren, nieces and nephew.
Diagnosed with a rare form of sarcoma in May 2019, Tovey underwent surgery at Dana Farber in Boston in June 2021 that left him briefly cancer free. In January 2022, scans confirmed a re-occurrence from which he was ultimately unable to recover…”