Share your music with the rest of the world with the help of the CMC’s Recording Distribution Service (CMC-DS).

Our service currently features over 1,500 independent recordings by more than 200 labels from Canada and around the world.

Whether you are interested in physical CD distribution or going digital, our extensive network will give you access to leading offline and online retailers, as well as other highly-targeted distribution channels. And our consignment rates are highly competitive. We recognize that you are an artist. You need to create. So let us take care of details: point-of-sale, reporting and remuneration for you.

Some of the genres and styles we currently feature include:



Orchestral Contemporary Classical
Band Children, youth
Solo Jazz, improvised
Chamber Musique actuelle
Electroacoustic Techno, ambient
Vocal World
Choral And more!

How it Works

  1. At least 50% of the music on your recording must be composed by CMC Associate Composers.
  2. We can only enter into distribution agreements with your recording label – not with individual composers or performers on the recording (unless they also legally represent the label).
  3. We operate on a consignment basis only – in other words, CMC-DS does not purchase inventory from labels.
  4. You must commit to a minimum two-year non-exclusive term with CMC-DS for physical distribution. The term for digital distribution also has a two-year minimum, but is exclusive.
  5. CMC-DS distribution territory is worldwide and cannot be limited to a particular country, continent or zone.
  6. Your CD must be a retail-ready product (i.e. pressed and printed CD, visible UPC and catalogue number, and shrink-wrapped). Unfortunately, our distribution and marketing partners will reject any product that’s not up to professional packaging standards. You are responsible for the cost of shipping your CD to the CMC’s Toronto location.
  7. You must be willing to allow us to stream your music on our website, include your music in our podcasts, and use copies of your recordings for promotional purposes. The number of free promotional copies will be determined in collaboration with you.
  8. You must be willing to allow CMC-DS to set the price of your physical CD. CMC-DS has no control over pricing by online services such as iTunes, so you must be willing to accept their pricing as well.
  9. You are responsible for royalty payments on each recording sold, i.e. to composers, performers, conductors, producers, etc.
Email Keith

To Submit Your CD

Please contact Keith Stratton, Centrediscs Manager. Be sure to provide:

  1. A track listing detailing composer, title, and duration for each track.
  2. A one-sheet or any other marketing material you have developed for your CD.
  3. Please specify whether you want physical distribution, digital distribution, or both.
Email Keith