The dwarf and the giant: a fairy tale in music
for full orchestra
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Misc Mixed Ensemble SoloistsOrchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Misc Mixed Ensemble SoloistsOrchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Misc Mixed Ensemble SoloistsOrchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Misc Mixed Ensemble SoloistsDesigns
A double concerto for flute and cello
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Misc Mixed Ensemble SoloistsTrumpets of Jericho
fanfaric overture for two brass groups and symphony orchestra
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Mixed Brass without KeyboardOrchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Mixed Woodwinds without KeyboardThe passion of angels
a concertant for two harps & orchestra
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, HarpGo to Top