Requiem renga
For the victims of wars and violence of our time
The eight houses of the I Ching
for string orchestra
Requiem renga
for the victims of wars and violence in our time
Vertical music
in remembrance of Morton Feldman
Portrait : Music of the 12 moons of the I Ching
the fourth moon (for clarinet)
Portrait: Music of the 12 moons of the I Ching
the sixth moon
music of the twelve moons of the I Ching
music of the Chinese lunar calendar
Hexagram #16
a yi jing jitterbug duoctet
The eight houses of the I ching
Muistsehiina muutusraamatu kaheksa koda
Calendar round
Calendar round
Yi jing jitterbug
50 Hz octet
tribute to Buckminster Fuller, Marshall McLuhan, John Cage
an intercultural timescape for two groups of musicians
lOOking fOr jacksOn maclOw in the cOncise OxfOrd dictiOnary
pOemusic fOr a sOlO reader with OptiOnal vOcal andOr instrumental OstinatO and Organum accOmpaniment