Four songs for tenor and orchestra
to poems by Kenneth Patchen
for string orchestra
Images of the holocaust
for mixed choir
4 songs from the holocaust
for high and low voice and string quartet
“from out of the depths”
mourning music for the six million
A song in Yiddish
Summer is praying = Es davnt der zumer
Tzu ayns tsvay drye
It's one two three
a song from the holocaust
A Yiddish kind
A Jewish child
Zog nit keyn mol
Never say
Manginot service
"M'ein sheva for shabbat evening
A life’s journey
Songs for Isaac
for violin, cello, and piano
Dance suite
[for two guitars]
Shirat Hanefesh
Friday night service II
Seven tableaux
from the Song of songs, for soprano and trio (low version)