Strings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, SoloSolo Voice, with Solo Instrument, Keyboards
The enchanted island
for oboe and piano
Woodwinds, with Keyboard, Oboe/English HornWhen music sounds
for viola and piano
Strings, Bowed, with Keyboard, ViolaA prayer for Elizabeth
arranged for organ
Keyboard, Organ (Pipe or Electric), One Keyboard, Two HandsGardens
for clarinet and piano
Woodwinds, with Keyboard, ClarinetSolo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Woodwinds/Percussion, KeyboardsSolo Voice, with Large Ensemble (10-20 Performers), Woodwinds, Strings BowedSolo Voice, with String Orchestra (with or without Keyboard)Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsTo blossoms
arr. for soprano & alto
Two Voices, A CapellaSolo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsSolo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsTwo Voices, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsKalamalka (Lake of many colours)
Prelude for orchestra
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Full Orchestra (20 or more)Endymion
symphonic poem
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Full Orchestra (20 or more)Sonata for two pianos
of the universe
Keyboard, Piano, Two Keyboards, Four or More HandsSolo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Woodwinds, Keyboard/Strings BowedSolo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Woodwinds, Keyboard/Strings BowedThe Bird of Dawning Singeth All Night Long
for flute, viola and guitar
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Trios, Woodwinds, Plectral Strings/Bowed StringsThe devil’s fanfare
a chamber ballet for solo violin and piano and three dancers
Electronics/Multimedia, Chamber Ensemble (2-9 Performers), Keyboard/Bowed StringsLyric trio
for violin, violoncello, and piano
Strings, Bowed, with Keyboard, Trio (Violin/Cello/Keyboard)Music for midsummer
for soprano, harp, violin, viola, and violoncello
Solo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Plectral Strings/Strings BowedFanfare sonata
for trumpet and piano
Brass, with Keyboard, TrumpetStrings, Bowed, with Keyboard, ViolinStrings, Bowed, Solo/Ensemble, ViolinStrings, Bowed, Solo/Ensemble, Quartet (2 Violin/Viola/Cello)Solo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Strings BowedThree Shakespeare songs
arranged from Three Shakespeare songs for voice & string quartet
Solo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Strings BowedThree sonnets of Shakespeare (102, 148, 91)
for alto voice and string quartet
Solo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Strings BowedGo to Top