Coloratura soprano Diana Gilchrist, accompanied by Shelley Katz (piano), performs traditional songs of Canada.The repertoire on Playing Tribute was chosen by the Aulos Trio to honour six Canadian composers who all celebrated significant birthdays in the first half of the 1990s.Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Concert Band/Large Wind Ensembles
[voice and piano]
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsChant national
(O Canada) [chorus and piano]
Choral (9 with Voices), with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsUne couronne de lauriers
Caprice [piano]
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsThe ellinger polka
Polka de salon, Op. 8 [piano]
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsThe first welcome
Polka characteristique [piano]
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsGrande marche de concert
Op. 14 [piano]
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsHarmonie
[voice and piano]
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsMarche funebre
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsMarche Indienne
[wind ensemble]
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Concert Band/Large Wind EnsemblesMouvement a la pavane
[wind ensemble]
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Concert Band/Large Wind EnsemblesNuit d’ete
Summer night [voice and piano]
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsOh! trust my love
Duet: Marcel and Nanine [voice and piano]
Two Voices, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsL’Oiseau mouche
Bluette de salon [piano]
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsPatrie
Ouverture [orchestra]
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Full Orchestra (20 or more)Shake again galop
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsVole au vent
Petit galop [piano]
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsGo to Top