6B – Flat Eight
for clarinet and piano
Clarinet and KeyboardWoodwinds, Solo / Ensemble, Mixed TriosPolaris Quintet
for flute, violin, clarinet, cello and electronic piano
Mixed Quintets, Woodwind(s) / Keyboard(s) / Bowed String(s)Piano Trio (Violin / Cello / Keyboard)Diptych
for string orchestra
Orchestra / Large Ensembles, String Orchestra With Soloist, Percussion SoloistDivertimento
for String Orchestra with Flute
Flute / Piccolo Soloist with String OrchestraAdagio, Fanfare & Allegro
for string orchestra, 2 trumpets in C and percussion
Orchestra / Large Ensembles, String Orchestra With Multiple Soloists, Misc Mixed Ensemble SoloistsGo to Top