ekphonesis III (1969 – II)
for wind, strings and keyboard instruments, with electronic sounds and electronic extensions
sensors VI (1986-III)
for percussion ensemble
separata II (2001-II)
for flute(s) and other pipes
trío-concertante (1962-III)
for any three instruments
vôo (1992-I)
for acting voice, electroacoustic music and digital signal processors
arghanum I (1986-II)
for accordion, clarinet, bass clarinet, vibraphone and synthesizer
aXenas (2002-I)
for clarinet, cello, percussion and piano
aXenia (2009-I)
for piano, toy piano and optional percussion
diastemas (2005-I)
for marimba and electroacoustic sounds
in… /visible (1994-I)
for choir, with electronic and computer sounds
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