for piano
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsSnowy Breasted Pearl
for voice and flute
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, WoodwindsSonata in F Major (vivace)
for solo flute
Woodwinds, Solo/Ensemble, Flute/PiccoloRicercare
for violin and viola
Strings, Bowed, Solo/Ensemble, Misc. Strings Duos (Mixed)Silent Night
for flute, oboes, recorders, and organ
Woodwinds, with Keyboard, Misc. QuintetsSimon’s Theme
for piano
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsFounder’s Fanfare
for brass ensemble and piano trio
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Nonets, Brass, Keyboard/Bowed StringsGhoulish Caper Rag
for guitar
Strings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, SoloSpeak, My Soul
for alto saxophone and piano
Woodwinds, with Keyboard, SaxophonePerfect Gifts
for violin and piano
Strings, Bowed, with Keyboard, ViolinGo to Top