a chamber opera in two acts
Staged Vocal Works, Misc. Staged Musical WorksVertical garden
for flute and computer music [revised 2007]
Electronics/Multimedia, Solo Works, WoodwindsLas blancas sombras
for voice and guitar
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, Plectral StringsStrings, Bowed, with Keyboard, CelloNocturne
for piano
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsLove and death
two Auden songs for medium voice
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsThe world is a box of souls
for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Quintets, Woodwinds, Keyboard/Bowed StringsIron John
a chamber opera in two acts
Staged Vocal Works, Operas, Complete Vocal ScoreKeyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Three or More HandsA pocket size sonata
for piano
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsGo to Top