Lori Freedman – 3
Call Number: CD 1056
Format: Audio CD
Number of Discs: 1
Release Date: June 2, 2005
Label: Ambiances Magnétiques
“For me, the trio is the ideal formation for improvising music. In general, even numbers imply something known, where odd numbers feel open. “2” can create corners that “3” can melt down, transform. “3” is complete, continuous and infinite. Dynamics move stasis. It’s playful.
“For 3 consecutive nights I brought together in concert 3 distinct trios, with 6 other Montréal musicians each chosen for their fertile imagination and identifiable musical style. This disc is made primarily from these live encounters recorded during the heatwave of June 2, 3 and 4, 2005 at the Bistro Le Va-et-Vient in Montréal.
“Certain musical passages were later re-worked in the studio to “compose” other sonic and textural elements. This latter development was made possible thanks to the magical and mega-inspirational mind of Michel F Côté.”
1. skroawng
2. the tribe of triclops
3. dohseedoh
4. seven
5. spaghetti brûlé
6. chrysalis
7. babalou
8. poussière de lune
9. lipsync
10. the light of night
11. six degrees
12. ipanemean trionychid
13. tigresse
This recording is not yet available on Spotify.