This piece is composed for Sylvia Shadick-Taylor’s project ‘See to Sound to See’.
This piece is a reflection of an idea of an avalanche in collaboration with Sunita LeGallou.

Avalanche is something that happens incredibly quickly.
When I was trying to recreate the idea of an avalanche in sound
I decided to take a look inside of an avalanche in slow-motion.
My intention was to reflect all the swirls, whirls, turns and mini collapses as well as the momentarily holding pieces of snow in sound.

The piece has five sections, the introduction is where is the snow is still in a stable state.
The following four sections are each based on an overarching melodic structure
marked in quarter note on the highest voice.
The entire piece is in tempo di rubato introduction is in a calmer manner and the following four sections are representing the fall of the snow.