The title of this work is a line of script from Caryl Churchill’s 1979 play, Cloud 9, a satirical indictment of colonialism with groundbreaking statements about both race and gender in the theatre medium.

With a duration of 3.5 minutes, this piece is a fanfare of sorts, scored for six drummers who explore states of rhythmic consonance and dissonance. The work is not programmatic, but several musical moments have a sense of menace and foreboding inspired by Churchill’s play.

This piece features sonic textures inspired by master composers of the 20th and 21st Century but seeks to be accessible to wide range of performers with small instrument setups, brief duration, and limited complexity.

The piece was written for the University of Windsor 2018 Alumni Reunion Recital and premiered on April 7th at the University of Windsor School of Creative Arts. The work is dedicated to percussionist, actor, and educator, Dean Valentino.