How Oft When Thou Play’st
for SATB chorus and piano
Slept Unwell
for SATB and electronics
for SATB and piano
Watching with Jesus
for Four Vocal Soloists (SATB) and Organ
The Demise of Argus Panoptes
for soprano, mezzo soprano, tenor, baritone, and piano
Oh Pilot
chamber opera
Shadow voices
a musical round for a vocal quartet
Easter vespers
from the Jerusalem Octave
requiem for a generation
It was a lover and his lass
for SATB, guitar, harp, violin & cello
Sinfony no. 4
"la tirreuse de cartes"
El aspirar del aire
for countertenor, two tenors, and bass
Joyce Songs
for 4 voices (soprano, mezzo, tenor, and baritone) and piano
L’Enfant dieu
[4 voices and piano]
Job: a musical drama
for church choir, soloists and orchestra
In Memoriam Walter Klymkiw
for SATB choir and violin
The dawn of things
a philosophical cantata
Carved by the sea
for SATB quartet, piano, synthesizer percussion and sea
No tongue can tally
a Christmas entertainment; libretto by Dr. Claude Bissel