ekphonesis III (1969 – II)
for wind, strings and keyboard instruments, with electronic sounds and electronic extensions
ekphonesis IV (1971-III)
for electronic sounds (with guernica visuals and instrumental drone)
ektenes II (1987-IV)
for oboe and percussion
ektenes III (1995-I)
for clarinet, tape and digital signal processing
Night Music
for clarinet in A, viola and piano
Mixed Trios, Woodwind / Keyboard / Bowed Stringinterferences IV (1984-I)
for clarinets, percussion and contrabass
La isla de los arrayanes (1989-I)
for clarinet, digital synthesizers, percussion and contrabass
penetrations II (1969-IV)
for wind(s), string(s), percussion and keyboard instrument(s), with voices, lights, electronic sounds and electronic extensions
sensors IV (1983-V)
for choir, with electronic and computer sounds
for violin & flute
Mixed Duos, Woodwind / Bowed Stringseparata II (2001-II)
for flute(s) and other pipes
Birdsong in my Backyard (Fall to Winter)
for reed quintet
Woodwinds, Solo / Ensemble, Misc. QuintetsBirdsong in my Backyard (Fall to Winter)
for woodwind quintet
Woodwind Quintet (Flute / Oboe / Clarinet / Horn / Bassoon)Go to Top