Multilocation | Colin Fisher

Explorations of resonant public spaces, as Colin engages spontaneously with an array of different emotional registers and playing approaches

Multilocation | Grace Scheele

Grace combines radiant sizzles of colour, percussive pops, and fluttering melodies on the harp with electronics

Multilocation | Robin Hatch

Toronto's gifted keyboard colorist Robin Hatch spans propulsive electro-pop to aggressive contrapuntal piano in this performance

CEE Book Party and Performance

RSVP Thursday, October 19, 2023 Chalmers House, Toronto. Door: 7:30. Performance: 8:00 PWYC Cash bar CEE Book Party and Performance The Canadian Electronic Ensemble (CEE) and the Canadian Music Centre – Ontario region co-host the book launch of An Orchestra at My Fingertips: A History of the Canadian Electronic Ensemble by Dr. Alexa Woloshyn. [...]

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