Four folk-songs from Canada
for counter-tenor, flute, viola & violoncello
Solo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Woodwinds, Strings Bowed -
Homage to Robert Herrick
a cantata
Five to Eight Voices, with Chorus with Instrumental Ensemble (1-20 Performers), Woodwinds, Keyboard/Strings Bowed -
O come, let us sing to the Lord
anthem for choir (SATB optional solo or junior choir), brass quintet (optional), and organ
Choral (9 with Voices), with Chamber Ensemble (2 - 9 Performers), Brass, Keyboards -
Homage to Handel
concerto grosso for strings
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, String Orchestra -
Doctor Canon’s cure
an opera for young people
Staged Vocal Works, Misc. Staged Musical Works -
Samuel Pepys and his musick
A cantata
Five to Eight Voices, with Chorus with Instrumental Ensemble (1-20 Performers), Woodwinds/Percussion, Keyboard/Strings Bowed -
on a melody by Doctor Arne; for two pianos
Keyboard, Piano, Two Keyboards, Four or More Hands -
Ash Roses
A cycle of six songs for Soprano and Piano
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, Keyboards