This is the first in a series of compact discs which seeks to showcase and promote music which represents the unique vision of composers from the three Americas.Trilogy is an evening of musical theatre for actress-singer, electronic sounds and electronic extensions, with digital synthesizers and lighting effects.
Alcides Lanza
Canadian Composers Portraits
ekphonesis II (1968-III)
for voice and pianist (with tape and slides)
sensors III (1982-III)
for organ and 2 percussion
aCage (2012-I)
for multiple toy pianos (and/or any suitable instruments)
acúfenos III (1977-I)
for flute, piano and electronic sounds
acúfenos IV (1978-II)
for woodwind quintet
acúfenos V (1980-II)
for trumpet, piano, electronic and computer sounds
archael (2022-I)
for Ondes Martenot and live electronics
arghanum I (1986-II)
for accordion, clarinet, bass clarinet, vibraphone and synthesizer
arghanum II (1987-I)
for flute, contrabass and chamber ensemble
arghanum V (1990-I) pet
for accordion and tape
arghanum V (1990-I) pi
for piano and tape
aXenas (2002-I)
for clarinet, cello, percussion and piano
aXenia (2009-I)
for piano, toy piano and optional percussion
aXents (2003-I)
pour ensemble instrumental et sons électroacoustiques
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