Colin Eatock: Chamber Music


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Colin Eatock: Chamber Music

Call Number: CD 1574
Format: Audio CD
Number of Discs: 1
Release Date: January 1, 2012
Label: Centrediscs / Centredisques

Colin Eatock: Chamber Music

Colin Eatock is a composer, critic and musicologist. The six works recorded on this disc were composed over the last quarter-century, which he has spent living in Toronto. This is intimate music: a mixture of vocal and instrumental works scored for one to four musicians. As well, the pieces reflect Eatock’s musical influences. Often, there is a historical aspect to his music, with stylistic ideas from past eras incorporated (overtly or covertly) into his works. Represented on this disc are some of Eatock’s literary influences: William Blake, Walt Whitman and Alfred Tennyson.

“Eatock’s clear affinity is with the gentle interplay of dissonance and consonance, of rubbing tones and overtones up against each other and enjoying the resulting rainbow effects … Much of the music is very simple, with clearly articulated melodies, dialogue, counterpoint and chord progressions — but this kind of simplicity is deceptive, as it’s the product of careful thought and deliberate structure.” – John Terauds.

“Eatock’s compositions are carefully written works that accommodate the performers while pushing them to enter his harmonic nuances. All the musicians on this studio release recorded at various time since 1999 are superb in their interpretations. Recording quality is of an equally high standard.” – The WholeNote

“I found this particularly moving. I hope to hear him again, and I recommend this strongly to music lovers who are moved by the romantic side of the music of today. This composer writes with conviction and imagination, and these are all very expressive works performed with love.” D. Moore, American Record Guide

“… the performances are all first rate – in particular, the three song cycles and the striking performances by Conly, Krause and Tees. […] There is an exciting voice [Eatock] to be heard. I hope that, in time, we will hear more of it.” – Edward Jurkowski, CAML Review


1 Ashes of Soldiers (2010) 9:45

Suite for Piano (1995) 12:11
2 Fantasy 3:44
3 Toccata 2:42
4 Elegy 5:25

Tears of Gold (2000) 10:31
5 I. Introduction 1:29
6 II. The Shepherd 1:24
7 III. The Ecchoing Green 2:02
8 IV. The Blossom 1:15
9 V. Night (fragment) 4:08

Three Songs from Blake’s “America” (1987) 10:42
10 I. 2:55
11 II. 2:40
12 III. 4:58

Three Canzonas for Brass Quartet (1991) 6:03
13 Allegro Marcato 1:59
14 Lento e legato 2:18
15 Maestoso, ma con moto 1:43

16 Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano “The Lotos-Eaters” (2000) 9:08


Melanie Conly (soprano), Peter Stoll (clarinet), Peter Longworth (piano), Timothy Minthorn (piano), Anita Krause (mezzo-soprano), Thomas Wiebe (cello/violoncelle), Ian Roberstson (harpsichord/clavecin), Andrew Tees (bass-baritone/baryton-basse), Kate Carver (piano), Niagra Brass Enxemble, Laurel Mascarenhas (violin/violon), Karl Konrad Toews (cello/violoncelle), Timothy Minthorn (piano).

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