Hear! Hear! Remembering John Beckwith
A celebration of the life of the remarkably gifted and productive composer/writer/educator/administrator/provocateur John Beckwith (1927-2022). The former Dean of the Faculty of Music (1970-77), John Beckwith was a distinctly original and vital voice in all aspects of music in Canada, contributing over 160 compositions, and a large number of books and articles over the course of his 75-year career. Friends, colleagues, and family pay tribute in music and words, including performances by Soundstreams’ Choir 21, the New Music Concerts Ensemble, Opus 8, members of the Faculty of Music Opera Department, and soprano Monica Whicher.
- Please arrive at least 20-25 minutes before the start of the concert to secure your seat(s)
- Beginning around 7:20pm, any empty seats may be given to those who were not able to reserve a seat, so please be sure to arrive early.
- If you know you will no longer be able to attend in person and have reserved a seat(s), please inform the Box Office so that your seat(s) can be released.
Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building
University of Toronto Faculty of Music
80 Queen’s Park, Toronto M5S 2C5
Photo credit: Toronto Star