Montréalers Isaiah Ceccarelli (composer/ percussionist / etc.) and Katelyn Clark (early keyboard specialist) have a long collaborative history that includes improvising together, the latter interpreting the former’s music, and shared membership in the new, slow-moving avant-pop outfit House of Gold. Ceccarelli’s music often luxuriates in the microcosms encapsulated within sustained sonorities of various kinds. Its patient unfolding allows listeners to contemplate the distinct character of those spaces, while transitioning between them quickly enough that one also senses the import of each shift. Such pieces serve as meditations on the evocative potential of music’s fundamental mechanics. The two works presented here are pared-down keyboard duos whose surface simplicity provides a vehicle for rich sonorous panels.
Isaiah Ceccarelli: synth, reed organ
Katelyn Clark: harpsichord, organetto
Recorded 2 June 2021 in Montréal, QC
Make not haste in the time of clouds, Isaiah Ceccarelli (2018)
Oslo Harmonies (excerpt), Isaiah Ceccarelli (2014)
Thanks | To Patrick Dupuis for assistance with recording and video, and to Frédérique Roy for loaning the big reed organ
CMC Presents Multilocation is generously supported by The Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, The SOCAN Foundation, FACTOR, The Ontario Arts Council, The Toronto Arts Council, and the Ontario Arts Foundation. This presentation is also supported by The McLean Foundation and the Canada Arts Presentation Fund.