Spanner is a new-music duo comprised of multi-percussionist Rob Power, and woodwinds specialist Paul Bendzsa.
Roman Hurko
This contemporary Canadian-Ukrainian composer's music is "transcendent, neither modern nor traditional," harmonious with the Eastern Church's timeless iconography.Acoustic "chamber Jazz" trio featuring James Brown on classical guitar, Ernie Tollar on soprano saxophone, and Jim Vivian acoustic bass.Drawing his inspiration from Robert Schumann, Gilles Bellemare composed a complimentary perspective of Scènes de la Forêt called Scènes de l’autre forêt.The complete works of Dionne-Brégent, the duo of Vincent Dionne (percussion) and Michel-Georges Brégent (keyboards).MüllMusik (literally 'garbage music') is derived from discarded and reused data.Migrations
Migrations is an electric voyage of rhythms where contemporary jazz blends with the warm melodic moods of the Middle East, along with flamenco flavours on guitar and the skins of African congas.Go to Top