The first installment of North Winds from the Canadian Wind Band of the University of Manitoba."Duke Ellington recorded this album in Toronto on July 24th and 25th 1967, with two hand-picked groups of musicians. It was an altogether unusual event, another 'first' in a career distinguished by firsts... " - Stanley Dance, 1967, from the CD liner notesThe Evergreen Club is an ensemble of eight musicians who perform on a collection of bronze, wood, bamboo and stringed instruments. Together these instruments are known as a gamelan, which has been an important part of Indonesian musical life for centuries.
Norma Beecroft
Canadian Composers Portraits
NOËL : Early Canadian Christmas Music
The Elmer Iseler Singers
"Perfect programming for the Christmas season. This is the real thing, traditional music of Christmas past." - RPM MagazineDimiter Terziev has proved himself as a versatile pianist and a real master of the piano miniatureRoger Scannura is an internationally recognized flamenco guitarist and a leading exponent of Nuevo Flamenco.Go to Top