Avatar invited eight composers to select at will from OHM editions' audio production from 1993 to 1998."Duke Ellington recorded this album in Toronto on July 24th and 25th 1967, with two hand-picked groups of musicians. It was an altogether unusual event, another 'first' in a career distinguished by firsts... " - Stanley Dance, 1967, from the CD liner notesAnn Southam, who passed away in 2010. Soundings for a New Piano as performed by R. Andrew Lee.Ma Magie is part of Théâtre de la Grimace composed in 1992 for the event Moccoli III.
The Goat with the Bright Red Socks
Audio CD
Celebrating 40 years of Electroacoustic Music at Simon Fraser University 1965-2005Let’s Play a Statue Game Again!!
31 of Sandy Offenheim & Family's Most Requested Songs
Pierre-André Arcand lives in Québec city. Artist and poet, he creates with contemporary technology and is active in the experimental music and performance scene.Parcours scénographique is adapted from an experimental theatre project by Émile Morin.Elradio
A collection of songs by Montreal-based audio and video improvisation group Eltractor.Written from sketches and music for friends, Kulesha describes The Devil's Dictionary as "a droll, acerbic compilation of humourous definitions."The music of Murray Adaskin, including Sonata 'Padre e figlio' for violin and marimba.Eres + 16
Pierre-André Arcand
Pierre-André Arcand evolves through performances, sound poetry, experimental music, writing, audio art, and many other aspects of artistic exporations using contemporary technologies.Le Nouvel Ensemble Moderne is one of the world's premier chamber orchestras specializing in contemporary classical music.Nouvel Ensemble Moderne and Les Percussions De Strasbourg perform works by Denis Gougeon, Jean Lesage, Alain Perron and Serge Provost.Go to Top