Words, Words, Words
Thirteen songs for children's voices and piano
Work and Day
(hommage à T. Murail) for percussion duo
Work Around the World
for mezzo-soprano, looping equipment, and percussion quartet
Working song and the last dead leftover
for amplified string quartet and karlax digital musical instrument
Working with the Sun
for prepared piano
five pieces for percussion ensemble
World beauty
aka "The beauty contest"
World dances
for violin, button accordion (g/c, a/d), and piano
World of light
for solo tenor voice and symphony orchestra
World Sophisticate
for soprano, brass quintet, and optional percussion
for solo violin and eight violoncelli
Worüber Sterne Schweigen…
What stars keep silent about...
Would that I were there
carol for accompanied or unaccompanied voices
Would You Ask Me?
for solo flute
Wound and released
for trumpet and piano
Wound and wired
horn and piano
Wound Turned to Light
for voice and piano
Wounded Alphabets and Illicit Violins for five guitars and voice
for five guitars and voice
for two drum sets and electronics
Woven threads
for clarinet, percussion, violin, double bass
Woven, Still for solo percussion & electronics
for solo percussion & electronics